Stéphane Heuet is a French cartoonist. He is the screenwriter and designer of the comic book adaptation of À la recherche du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time) by Marcel Proust.
His desire is to open up the formidable prose work for audiences who have yet to experience it.
In 2020, Stéphane Heuet is the winner of the Grand Prix Hervé Deluen awarded by the French Academy for his adaptation of Marcel Proust's literary work.
The photographs of Stéphane Heuet were taken at his home in Paris, March 2023.

Stéphane Heuet, Paris 2023
All the portraits of Stéphane Heuet are available at the Opale Agency.
The eight volumes of the comic book adaptation of À la recherche du temps perdu by Marcel Proust
(Editions Delcourt, 1998-2021)
The Swedish quarterly magazine Biblis published in 2021 an article written by Stéphane Heuet, "På spaning efter den tid som flytt som seriealbum" (Biblis 93, p 32-39).

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