Welcome to the Photo Book Fair / Fotobokfestival at the Kulturhuset Stadsteatern, Plan 3 (Stockholm), on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th, october 2022 !

The festival is organized by the Swedish Photographers Association / Svenska Fotografers Förbund
I will present the seven books I published since 2008. The books are :
Millesgården, in the Sculptor's Park (Carlssons, 2008), forword Agneta Pleijel.
Tour de Stockholm (LDP Editions, 2011), text Laurent Denimal.
Djurgården, in the King's Park (Carlssons, 2014), forword Per Wästberg.
Saint-Valery-sur-Somme (LDP, 2015), forword Éléonore Lelong
J'y suis encore / I am still here (LDP Editions, 2019), text Laurent Denimal.
Portraits d'Auteurs / Author Portraits (Carlssons, 2020), forword Josyane Savigneau.
Swedish Country Churches (LDP Editions, 2022), text Philippe Bouquet.
... all the books will be available for sale !
I will also have some copies of the artist's edition of Millesgården, in the Sculptor's Park, Tour de Stockholm and I am still here, also a copy of Swedish Country Churches signed by former professor and translator Philippe Bouquet.
Friday the 28th, 12:00 - 19:00
Saturday the 29th, 11:00 - 16:00
Kulturhuset Stadsteatern, Plan 3, Stockholm
To read and see more about the books, click on the thumbnail !
Millesgården, in the Sculptor's Park
Tour de Stockholm
Djurgården, in the King's Park
J'y suis encore / I am still here
Portraits d'Auteurs / Author Portraits
Swedish Country Churches