...in the category Translation for "A Country for Dying" written by the Moroccan novelist Abdellah Taïa. Congratulation to her !
From the judges’ citation: “The jury is delighted to celebrate Emma Ramadan’s translation of A Country for Dying (Seven Stories Press, 2020) by Abdellah Taïa, a Moroccan novelist writing in French". Read more on the Pen America website.
The book A Country for Dying (Un pays pour mourir) is published in french at Éditions du Seuil (Paris, 2015), and in Swedish (Ett land att dö i) by Elisabeth Grate Förlag (Stockholm, 2016) in a translation by Håkan Lindquist and Davy Prieur.
All the portraits of Abdellah Taïa are available at the Opale Agency. You can also see the complete collection of author portrait at https://www.laurentdenimal.se/thecompletecollection
A portrait of Abdellah Taïa is presented in the photo book "Portraits d'Auteurs / Author Portraits" (Carlssons 2020).
